Posted in lifestyle

Thinking About A Year In Quarantine


Hi everyone and welcome to The Glamorous Muse! It’s been a year since the pandemic officially began and we have to stay at home and wear a mask whenever we leave the house. Everything has been locked down. The situation has changed all of our lives, all of us. A lot of people have lost their jobs, many had to work from home and everyone had to change their lifestyle. We travel less, going out less, but we spend more time at home, with our loved ones. Family is the most important part of one’s life, and I think must be appreciated. It is the place where we find love, peace, support, motivation, joy, happiness. I appreciate staying with my family now as I’ve been always far away.

How about your habits? How did they change? As for me, I started eating healthier, working out more, spending money less, reading and watching movies a lot, improving my Spanish knowledge, and finally started my first blog.

With vaccine coming the pandemic will hopefully decrease very soon, we will be able to get back to our jobs, and we finally will be able to travel more. And for now, let’s value our time and make the most of it.



By Victoria

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