Posted in lifestyle

Top-10 Things That Will Make You Happier, Or How I Deal With Anxiety And Depression

Hello, my dear readers! I’m so happy to have you here! Welcome to The Glamorous Muse! I hope you all are doing great. Unfortunately, life is not always flawless. Sometimes I feel frustrated, anxious, devastated, or even depressed. This happened to me just a few days ago when I suddenly felt so sad. In this post, I’ve decided to share with you my favorite things that help me in such situations and definitely will make you happier too.

1. Good sleep is a necessity. You must sleep well to feel good. If you can make it 7-8 hours each day, it will be great for your health and well-being. Sometimes I sleep more if I need.

2. A good diet is important to feel good and to look good. Try to say ‘no’ to alcohol, caffeine, and sugar. I would also recommend to stop eating animal products and to learn more about vegan or plant-based lifestyle.

3. Exercise daily. It helps to raise the level of serotonin, which will help you feel happier all the time. I prefer to exercise in the morning, as it’s easier to make time and it really boosts my energy level. There are a lot of great workouts online, so no excuses 🙂 You can choose between fitness, Pilates, yoga, dancing, stretching, ballet or put on your favorite sneakers and go outside for a run or just walk. I love to play my favorite Latin music, and I also dance before I workout. Don’t forget to do some stretching before and after 🙂 You can take a contrast shower or relax in the bath with foam and candles 🙂

‘Just staying healthy, that is true wealth and true happiness.’ – Jon Jones

4. Visit a beauty salon or make it at home 🙂 I always feel so good after taking care of myself, it can be a scrubbing, massage, face mask, wrap (my favorite is with seaweed or cacao), manicure, pedicure.

5. Watch your favorite comedy or funny TV show and laugh a lot 🙂 It will surely help you to feel much better.

6. Spend time with your loved ones. It can be your sister, brother, cousin, parents, grandparents, friends or boyfriend, or children. I always sense a lot of love and happiness while being with my family or friends. It’s cool if they are near, if not, just video call or message them.

‘There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved’ – George Sand.

7. Help others. Help your mum to carry heavy bags, cook dinner for your family, say kind words, greet people, smile at them, or just listen. Sometimes by listening to the problems of others, you forget your own.

8. Travel anywhere, even just to the closest city. You will see a different place, meet different people and have new adventures. It’s always nice to explore. Don’t be scared to go alone, but be mindful. You can get some inspiration by reading a post about my solo travel to Cuba. I also like arranging a trip to my dream destination, you will feel so inspired 🙂

9. Dream and visualize! Think about what you would like to do or how you would like to look and imagine it 🙂 Make up new goals and write them down, read them often, and believe it’s your reality.

10. Just do something! Put on makeup, do a new hairstyle, go shopping, do a photoshoot, spend time in nature, read a book or quotes, listen to motivational speech, find a new hobby, learn a new language, or how to play an instrument, make a new recipe, challenge yourself, spend time with animals, meet your friends, go together to a party, play some sports outside… There are so many things to do, be creative 🙂

‘You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.’ – Diane von Furstenberg

Those were the top-10 things that make me happy, and hopefully, they will help you too 🙂

Thanks to everyone who reads and likes my posts, and big thanks for following The Glamorous Muse!😘


By Victoria